
Monday, August 30, 2010

How to Use Pressure Washers for Concrete Cleaning

Pressure washers are used to clean a variety of hard surfaces. They are particularly effective in cleaning dirty, stained concrete surfaces. Their high pressure levels and high temperature output can blast away nearly all impurities from a hard surface. In addition, concrete surfaces can withstand such high pressure levels and temperature output.

How to Choose Machines

Selecting the right machine goes a long way in making the cleaning process effective. For cleaning concrete surfaces, choose a machine that can provide steam output or hot water output. These surfaces can withstand such high temperatures, which are necessary to dissolve grease and other stains often found on concrete.

While the addition of cleaning chemicals, such as Daimer®’s Eco-Green® Concrete Cleaner with Rust Stain Remover, can be added to pressure washing machines for extra cleaning power, heated machines are generally recommended for removing difficult stains such as grease and oil.

Low Flow Machines

Using pressure washers with low flow rates allow the machines to consume less water during the cleaning process. This technology can limit the quantity of water transferred to the surface. While Daimer® offers steam cleaners with low flow rates for places with minimal drainage or water availability, outdoor concrete cleaning often does not have this issue. Consider a machine such as Daimer®’s Super Max™ 12820, which utilizes pressure levels of 2000 psi and flow rates of 3 GPM for effective concrete cleaning.